Thursday, September 24, 2015

Juxtapose Aow and OBAA

          My article, Refugee crisis divides Europe amid fresh tragedy," is like the book Of Beetles and Angels in many ways. One way they are similar is the different connects between individuals. In Of Beetles and Angels there are refugees, of coarse, and there is also information on refugees in my article. Along with that, my article also includes people who really care about the protection of the refugees. In "Refugee crisis divides Europe amid fresh tragedy" it talks about German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande. The article says, "…vocal supporters of a refugee redistribution program, called on their fellow European nations to help shoulder the responsibility for the unprecedented amount of refugees arriving in the European Union." This shows that these people are doing what they can to help the situation. In Of Beetles and Angels an important person who did their best to help was a girl named Beth. The book says, "Beth found a sponsor, the Bethel Presbyterian Church." It also says, "Bethel went to work immediately on finding us an affordable home…" This shows that Beth did a really good thing to help and her help turned into something even greater.

          Another connection between the book and the article is the events. Both the book and the article include similar events. I include the death of all the many refugees an event. Both, the article and the book, include information on the many lives lost, and the cause of these lost lives. The book says, "Many refugees died from a sickness…" This shows the cause for some of the lives lost. In the article it says, "…at least 13 refugees - six of then children - drowned off the coast of Turkey…" This shows the lives lost during the refugee's walk to their new home. The book also talked about the many children that didn't make it to their destination.

          War in society has nothing but negative effects on the society and its people. As you can see from the book, war caused many people to flee their homes and become refugees. The article says, "…roughly 10,700 asylum seekers walked into Austria from Hungary…" This shows that over 10,000 people have be forced to leave their home. This is information tells you one of the negative effects war can have on people and society.

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