Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time 3-13-15

Writing Prompt: If the author were here, what would you ask him/her?

          I haven't really gotten far in the book but I already have questions I want to ask the author. The author of this book is Mark Haddon. A question I would ask Mark Haddon is: Does this story connect with you in some way? I would ask this because the book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is about a boy with mental illness, and I was wondering if the author connected with this in any way. For example, does the author have a mental illness? Does the author have a friend with a mental illness? Does Mark Haddon have a family with a mental illness? Things that have to do with the connection the author has to mental illness in general.

          Another question I would ask Mark Haddon is: How did you get the idea for this story? This question would probably connected with the connection Mark Haddon has with this book. I want to know if Mark has any real strong reasons for this book. For example, Is this based on something you've witnessed? Does this have something to do with you? Things that would help me find out how this book came to be.

          A different question I would ask Mark Haddon would be: Was it hard to write this book? This might also go in with the connection with this book. If Mark had a connection with the book then maybe this book wasn't so hard to write. If the author did not have a connection with this book, and it was all made up from the mind, then it might've been difficult to think of and create.

Commented on: Bianey, Emily, and Saul


  1. Great job Rebecca! This book sounds really good based on the questions you would ask!

  2. Nice job! I think if I was reading this book, based off of what you said, I would probably ask the same questions. I also wonder if he had any mental illnesses.

  3. Great job! I really liked your questions. Those questions were great! Also, I agree with Emily that this sounds like a really interesting and good book.

  4. Great questions Rebecca! I liked how you explained your questions, rather than just state them. I agree with you, it's easier to write about a personal experience than to write about something completely made up. That's why a lot of books are realistic fiction.
    P.S. you could have the rest as long as I get Niall and Luke (haha^.^)

  5. I think that you had very good questions for the author. I haven't read this book, but I can see how they connect to the book, good job!
