Tuesday, December 15, 2015

TKAM - 12/15/15

Writing Pormpt: After reading, I wonder…

          One of the questions To Kill a Mockingbird left with is: what happened when Jem woke up? I'm wondering what he thought of his new broken arm. What was his reaction? I would imagine that he would be shocked, because I feel he wouldn't rember what happened, considered he was knocked unconscious and has a concussion. 

           I was also wondering what Jem did remember about the attack. If he remembers anything, he probably knows who was the one to kill Bob. I also wonder what was going through his head during the attack. Probably something that has to with getting out alive, and saving his sister.

           Other than wondering what Jem's side of the story was, I would like to know what happens with Dill. Does he continue to come back every summer? Do him and Scout continue to be "engaged"? Do they ever get married? If I had to guess I would say that Scout and Dill continue to be friends and engaged, and unless they meet someone else, I do think that they would get married. I know that Dill seems very serious about getting married, and they act so cute together. If they don't get married I definitely think they will continue their lives being very close to each other.

            Other than wondering what the continuing story is like for Jem and Dill, I wonder what will happen with everyone else. Will Anut Alexandra ever stop trying to change the family? Will anything happen to Calpurnia. Will Jem and Scout grow together, or apart, based on what they recently went through. What's going to happen to Bob Ewell's kids now that he is dead. I'm also wondering if Walter Cunningham will become more apart of Scout's life. 

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