Wednesday, December 2, 2015

TKAM - Character Relationships

Writing Prompt: Think about the two characters.  Note at least two ways they are alike and two ways they are different. From there, decide what relationship each has with Scout and what effect they have on her.

          Both Aunt Alexandra and Atticus have an impact on Scout. Aunt Alexandra is the strict Aunty that is pushing her towards lady-like adulthood, while Atticus is the father that lets her be herself and run wild. They have thier similarities and differences, but in the end they are just doing it for the love and protection of Scout. They both effect her in different ways, and we have seen that through the eyes of Scout. 

         Atticus and Aunt Alexandra are very different in the ways they greet Scout. Atticus lets her be free and run wild. He also lets her do things ladies wouldn't normally do, like ware overalls instead of a dress and camisole. This is very different from Aunt Alexandra because, unlike Atticus, she is pushing Scout to become lady-like, because she currently isn't. Aunt Alexandra knows Scout will have an easier time is she alters her life style, but living with Atticus, who has different views, makes it very hard for to be the lady Aunt Alexandra wants her to be.

          Atticus and Aunt Alexandra are also simsimilar because they both do what they do because they love Scout, and want to look out for her. Aunt Alexandra tries to help Scout mature so she can better her life. She is living a way no girls live, and Aunt Alexandra is trying to look out for her by helping her turn into more of a lady. Atticus looks out for Scout too. He does this by letting her Tomboy self. Being the father, he also helps her through life problems. 

          They are also similar because they both feel that they are doing what's best for Scout, and what will help her live life happy. By living the way Aunt Alexandra wants her to live, Scout would be somewhat confined, and wouldn't be able to be the wild curious person she is. Aunt Alexandra believes it is best for her to act this way because that's what all ladies do, and she needed to start being a proper lady. Atticus is different because he lets her be free, because by doing this she will never be confined and this will leave her life a happy one, because she was always able to be the curious explorer she is. The reason this is similar is because, although they think about this differently, in the end they were just doing what they thought was best for Scout.

          Atticus is the somewhat, stern father figure in Scouts life, and Aunt Alexandra is kind of the strict voice that is helping her do like everyone else. In other words, helping her be more ordinary and normal. They both have an effect on Scout because they both help her through life and help to mold her into an amazing kid, teenager, and adult. AuntvAlexandra has the effect of showing Scout how she is unique from others like her, and Atticus has the effect of showing her that that's a good thing. Being different from others, and being your self, is not a thing you change, just because your not the proper lady you should be. Maybe Aunt Alexandra will rub off on Scout and she will effect her by turning her more ladylike, and showing her the the necessary skills a women needs to learn before they grow up and go off on their own. 

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