Monday, May 23, 2016

8th Grade Speech - "Laughter Blocks Fear"

“Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on.” - Bob Newhart. I believe that smiling and laughing can increase the happiness of a person and others around them. Causing others to laugh and have a good time has been a love of mine since a young age. I feel like laughter can make a person feel better even in the worst times. I always try to make the ones around me smile or laugh  because I feel that it can make a person's day brighter. I also feel that having a good laugh can make a person temporarily forget about a problem, worry, or fear they may have at that moment.

I remember when I was two years old and I went trick-or-treating with my dad. I was wearing a devil costume and it was my first time ever going trick-or-treating. I remember being scared of all the creepy decorations and scary costumes. My dad, being the funny man he is, tried to sooth me by making me laugh. I remember him making funny faces, telling silly jokes, and talking in weird voices. After he successfully made me laugh, I soon forgot about the fear I was feeling and began to enjoy my first Halloween.

Remembering this moment makes me realize that you can ease a person's worries by simply causing them to have a good laugh. 

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