Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Berlin Memorial Activity - 2/3/16

Writing Prompt: Based on our Berlin Memorial Activity today in class, take a moment to reflect on what you learned about the Jewish decrees established during the Hitler years.

I learned a lot from the Berlin Memorial Activity I did in class. I learned some of the different laws and restrictions that were out on Jews. I also found that there were some years that had a lot of new restrictions and some years had very little. One that I learned that was very shocking was that if you were a Jew in 1942, you were not allowed to have pets. Another shocking thing I learned was that at a certain point, Jews only had one hour to shop, between 4 and 5 p.m. This is shocking because it seems like if all Jews are only allowed to shop at those times, there will be many Jews coming to shop all at once, which could result in a type of chaos.

I think the lampposts in the monument was built to show people how it was like for the Jews with all of the laws. The lampposts have pictures of certain things representing a law. An example would be a sign that says "Juden werden aus Gesangsvereinen ausgeschlossen" which means "Jews are excluded from choirs". This was one of the laws against the Jews. This also shows people one of the laws they were forced to follow.

I notice that in certain years, there were lots if laws made, and others not so many. In 1938 there were lots of laws. The meaning behind this might have to do with the fact that Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. Along with the fact that there was a lot of laws in 1942 and 1933. 1933 was also the year Hitler came into power.

I think I would have the most trouble following the law that forces me to give up my items. The reasons I think this is because I wouldn't want to be forced to give up my possessions, especially if I had something I really valued. I would also have a hard time with this because I wouldn't want to give away my things because maybe they help me when j get sad or scared because of what's happening.

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